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Emma Hart lit from the glare of a projector as she adjusts a camera
17 February 2006

Emma Hart & Benedict Drew

Benedict Drew Emma Hart

An original and beautifully simple performed installation forging a direct link between sound and image.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
Tony Conrad wearing a shirt and orange t shirt looks forlorn
17 February 2006


Dan Norton Dr Cathy Lane Dr Martin Parker Rob Gawthrop Stephen Partridge Tony Conrad Zoe Irvine

ACCESS: SOUND FILE A day-long salon accompanying KYTN focusing on sound art.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
A series of large dimly lit light bulbs hanging in a room
12 April 2007

Beyond 6281


Audio signals pass through light bulbs, causing the filaments of the bulbs to sing and crackle in a chorus of electronic static.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Close up of a radio with a glowing fluorescent tube on top
12 April 2007

Chord of the Fifth Force

Barry Weisblat

A drone installation populated by flourescent strip lights working in complicity with analogue radios – “all the lights just do their thing”.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
at the end of a dark gallery a screen throbs with layers rectangles of red
12 October 2008

Declarative Mode (1976 – 1977)

Paul Sharits

Paul Sharits is one of our all time heroes, and one of the great artist filmmakers of the 20th Century.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
Portrait of John Mullarkey in black and white
22 February 2010

John Mullarkey

John Mullarkey

John Mullarkey sets in a wider context our understanding of Alain Badiou and Francois Laruelle, two of the most radical philosophers in Europe today.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A man sits at a desk with a large timer clock on it and speaks to camera
28 February 2010

Morgan Fisher – Screening and Chat

Morgan Fisher

Morgan Fisher is a filmmaker of great wit and charm who uses the tools of experimental film to dissect the basic presuppositions of commercial cinema.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
Turquoise and Brown text reads Kill Your Timid Notion
17 – 19 October 2003

Kill Your Timid Notion 03

Taking over the gallery spaces at Dundee Contemporary Arts, the first Kill Your Timid Notion presented a 3 day programme of live immersive experiences and specially curated film programmes.

Kill Your Timid Notion 04 brochure cover
10 – 12 December 2004

Kill Your Timid Notion 04

A celebration of risk taking and adventure from some of the boldest pioneers of the past 40 years, melding avant garde and underground forms of music and moving image to create new experiments and experiences in sight and sound.

silver and brown design like 16mm film strips with text - Kill Your Timid Notion
9 October – 29 November 2008

Kill Your Timid Notion 08

Bringing together artists working with music, sound, film and the moving image, KYTN 2008 saw performances, improvisations, screenings and installations over three days at DCA.

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