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Metzger and students seated at table
17 February 2008
The Arches

Self Cancellation – A project for voices

Gustav Metzger Kenneth Goldsmith Simon Morris

A performed self-cancelling discussion, with artists from the festival, invited speakers and local artists talking at once, over each other, or straining to be heard over the din.

A large band play multiple instruments on a golden lit stage
16 February 2008
The Arches

Energy Births Form

Alan Silva Ben Hall David Keenan Don Dietrich Incapacitants Kazuo Imai Michiyo Yagi Sabu Toyozumi

We wanted to ask a bunch of the best high-energy-improvisers around; can musical form really taking shape via a group energy? Can individual concentration lead to a group consciousness?

Robin Hayward and Radu Malfatti play brass instruments at the far end of a room
16 February 2008
The Arches


Antoine Beuger Manfred Werder Radu Malfatti

Expansive and considered, inclusive and deeply human minimalism: Antoine Beuger, Radu Malfatti, Manfred Werder.

Arika_Instal08_BryonyMcIntyre_Marginal Consort - Imai 2106
17 February 2008
The Arches

Marginal Consort

Marginal Consort

Durational group-mind drone and clatter: bamboo, electronics, the contents of your local ironmongers bin. A 3-hour set from this legendary Japanese improvisation group.

Instal 04 publicity flyer
16 – 17 October 2004
The Arches


Now a two day festival, INSTAL 04 was borne of a desire to open eyes, challenge audiences and expand musical horizons. This was also the year in which a certain representative from Corwood Industries made his first ever live appearance.

Instal 03 publicity flyer
23 November 2003
The Arches


INSTAL’s third outing saw performances by AMM, Cosmos (Sachiko M & Ami Yoshida), Voreboms, Vibracathedral Orchestra with Matthew Bower and John Godbert, Paragon Ensemble, Merzbow and Ryoji Ikeda.

Instal 08 Poster Graphic
14 – 17 February 2008
The Arches


A cast of pioneering and provocative spirits who exist outside the mainstream, between borders and definitions; a series of events that each explore different aspects of music that doesn’t quite fit any given category. INSTAL 08 included the Self-Cancellation project.

Brown Background with Bold Block text reads Instal 06 Brave New Music
13 – 15 October 2006
The Arches


The 2006 INSTAL festival saw a broad selection of artists that included Blood Stereo and Ludo Mich, Ellen Fullman and Sean Meehan, Keiji Haino and Tony Conrad and a specially created performance by Maryanne Amacher.

INSTAL 05 Publicity Flyer
14 – 16 October 2005
The Arches


A cast of pioneering spirits over an expanded three day festival including Jandek (one year on from his first ever show at INSTAL 04), JO-JO, Tetuzi Akiyama,Tom Bruno, Pauline Oliveros, a legendary Hijokaiden performance and Henri Chopin.

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