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Layers of projection on a screen, a man's face with wig to the right
15 April 2007


eriKm Etienne Caire Gaëlle Rouard

Imagery, drawn from what seems like hundreds of different films is overlaid and combined in a promissory rainbow of new meanings and impossible scenarios, with the unsettling feel of daylight shadows.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Projection of a distorted signal in blues and greens on a wall
15 April 2007


Billy Roisz Toshimaru Nakamura

AVVA sees the internal feedback of Toshi’s no-input mixing desk is fed to Billy, and transformed into bright and variegated patters, striations and blooming colour, before being fed back to Toshi and manipulated on route to the PA.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
13 April 2007

KYTN Salon: Post Consideration

Andrew Lampert Edwin Carels Eric La Casa John Harris Prof. Heike Sperling Zoe Irvine

Post consideration and post rationalisation… How do we think about experimental music and film after the performance?

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Ulrike Flaig operating equipment by a cathode ray television
11 December 2004

Perlonex & Ulrike Flaig

Burkhard Beins Ignaz Schick Joerg Maria Zeger Ulrike Flaig

Real-time video feedback loops submerged in laminal sheets of sound soaked in gauzy timbral detail and multi-valenced, buzzing overtones.

Kill Your Timid Notion 04
Steve Roden seated on stage at DCA Dundee
17 October 2003

Steve Roden

Steve Roden

By focusing on the things that most people don’t notice or pass by uncaring – Steve Roden crafts gentle, sparse and metaphorically loaded compositions.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Burkhard Stangl silhouetted against a projection of an eye
19 October 2003

Phonographics, Live

Burkhard Stangl Fennesz Gustav Deutsch Martin Siewert Werner Dafeldecker

A live installation of the ‘Film Ist’: projected on 4 huge screens and an improvised soundtrack from 4 figureheads of the Austrian experimental music scene.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Computer screen revealing some data and a green shape
17 October 2003


Carsten Nicolai Ryoji Ikeda

Two figureheads of the minimalist electronica pulse, Ikeda and Nicolai have been responsible for some of the most innovative and ground-breaking music of the last decade, redefining experimental electronica.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Carsten Nicolai operating some equipment near a projection
17 October 2003


Carsten Nicolai alva.noto

60 cycle hums, jagged static cracklings, and clipped electron pinpricks, mutating them into sublime, post-techno grooves

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Francisco Lopez wearing a hat at INSTAL 02
1 December 2002
The Arches

Francisco Lopez

Deliberately blurred drones, absent of definite structure or rhythm, framed in silence and devoid of any distraction from the pure matter of sound.

Pauline Oliveros holding an accordion while reading information from a laptop
16 October 2005
The Arches

Pauline Oliveros & David Dove

David Dove Pauline Oliveros

Since the 1960’s Oliverios has had a profound influence on generations of musicians through her work with myth and ritual, improvisation and meditation.

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