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A woman looks towards the camera from the a low angle, there are trees behind
28 September 2014

Dreams are Colder than Death

Arthur Jafa

A landmark film on black life – a poetic filmic constellation of meditations, fragments and interviews on what it means to be black in America in the 21st century, from one of its great cinematographers.

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way
2 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

A Handbook of Protocols for Literary Listening

Craig Dworkin Vanessa Place

Craig will give a guided reading of his handbook of exemplary instances of literary listening and will be joined by one of the selected authors, Vanessa Place.

A survey is a process of listening
2 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

Temporary outpost for an auditory figure

Brandon LaBelle

A temporary archive and research space tracing the ways in which sound and audition move through everyday life.

A survey is a process of listening
A projected quotation about wandering in hollows and dark thoughts
26 February 2012

All the Colours of the Dark, Except Black

Evan Calder Williams

A chat, with examples (Zola, H. P. Lovecraft, Hammer Horror), about blackness and the sheer stupid thickness of what has no profundity whatsoever.

Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness
25 February 2012

The View From Nowhere Part 1

Ray Brassier Thomas Metzinger

Ray and Thomas talking about how cognitive neuroscience is unlocking the physical basis of personal experience.

Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness
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