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a Sri Lankan, Irish and Galician nonbinary femme with curly brown silver and purple hair and an undercut, wearing a “talk to plants, not cops” navy and turquoise crop top, tiny black denim shorts and a hot pink KN95 mask, takes a mirror selfie with a phone with glitter and many kinda of brightly colored animals and plants on it.
21 June 2023

Altar: Odes to the Lost/ never lost Introduction

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Introducing and setting intentions for a crip grief transformation and witness altar. A place to sit and breathe, remember our dead, wash our hands and leave offerings to and for loved ones we’ve lost – and for ourselves.

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
21 June 2023

Break/Open Meetup time*

Take a break and/ or hang in an Open Meet Up in IRL and URL

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
A 40ish mixed race Sri Lankan, Irish and Galician nonbinary femme with curly brown silver and purple hair, lying on a couch looking at the viewer horizontally. They have rose gold aviator frames, thick eyebrows, red lipstick and sand colored skin, and are looking at the viewer with a kind of tired but hopefully crip wonder. They wear a blue denim vest with a pin that says Neurodivergent Universe above a pink and blue image of a ringed planet, and a black tank top with yellow lettering that read Talk To Plants, Not Cops is barely visible. They have a tattoo of the words "We begin by listening" in magenta cursive script on their left arm.
21 June 2023

Altar: Odes to the Lost/ never lost with ASL Centered Hang

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Offering a crip grief transformation and witness altar. A place to sit and breathe, remember our dead, wash our hands and leave offerings to and for loved ones we’ve lost – and for ourselves. Expect fire and a little bit of smoke. Concluding with a D/deaf centered social space with conversational interpreters available for those who do not speak ASL.


I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
Amelia is framed to the right of the picture smiling. They are wearing a sky blue tie dye shirt and brown cap. They are pictured in Abiquiu, New Mexico, by the Chama River, surrounded by cholla cacti blooming bright pink flowers with a mountainous landscape behind.
21 June 2023

Meditations in a Chronic Emergency

Amelia Bande

With lo-fi dreams and high-def humor, Bande brings MC vibes to the day. Interluding music with spoken performance, the live extimacy of Bande’s presence reaches out via emo-techno-bridges.

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
Jerome in a white t-shirt holds aloft a saxophone and long stem of sugar cane above their head
21 June 2023

Performance in the spirit and celebration of Aster of Ceremonies

JJJJJerome Ellis

Ellis’s processional, precessional cessation and continuation of movement and music comes to us via his forthcoming release Aster of Ceremonies (Milkweed Editions, 2023)

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
A lined journal from February 2019 with entries from each day with a circular diagram to the right
21 June 2023

Collective writing

Yo-Yo Lin 林友友

Coming to us from Taipei, Yo-Yo sends us elsewhere while bringing us back with her to the timezone of tomorrow. A dancer, media artist, and choreographer who makes multi-dimensions and realms, Lin’s amplification of energies and connections across bodies devolves the separations we are taught to abide.

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
21 June 2023

Open Stage/ Screen/ Mic

Our Zooms are unmuted, our mics are open, and our hearts and bodyminds are receptive. We give the floor online and in person to you…

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
Cyrée, a black trans person, in a mirror. He’s wearing a hat and a leopard print shirt. He’s surrounded by tarot cards and plants.
21 June 2023

Performance after the telethon

Cyrée Jarelle Johnson

What to do about a telethon other than fuck it up? Poet, tarotist, artist, and librarian Cyrée Jarelle Johnson returns to IWBWYE to read the 1980s and ’90s for what those decades were: practice for now.

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
21 June 2023

Doors Open / Zoom Starts / Open Meetup Time and Welcome

Arrive, get settled, be hosted and meet-up in IRL and URL.

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
21 June 2023

Panteha Abareshi

Panteha Abareshi

Amid the blur of erotics, the jangle of poetics, and the fetishizing of sickness and disability, the heat of Panteha’s performance and sculpture freezes all.

I wanna be with you everywhere 2023
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