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Ode to 1 & more than 1

Ode to 1 & more than 1

The first of two workshops that highlight correspondence as a way of working. Somewhere between song, speech, and logistical arrangement, these workshops invite participants to consider care as infrastructure.


What we wrote about it at the time: Park and Tina are artists who work with sculpture, performance, text, and sound; they live and work within queer feminist crip 1 communities in New York and beyond. They imagine bodies not as an end in themselves, but as a medium through which we can become one another’s means. They are members of Care Collective, a group of several people who coordinate Park’s care.

These two interlocking workshops highlight correspondence as a way of working. Somewhere between song, speech, and logistical arrangement, these workshops invite participants to consider care as infrastructure. Each workshop joins the form of the episode, the ode, the strophe, the apostrophe (from the strophe 2 ) in order to play poetry against plan.

When is a plan not for or against contingency but with it and up in it? Against it?
It is not contingency or even death that we rage against; our social life communicates with and to the dead, through the not dead yet, the still life beyond, the vanitas of care without end in the vein of the here and living. Mainlining the good stuff stiff or limp or used up, used down, handed down and reproduced, in a lineage of flight and rooting for the home team, starting from the bottom, staying bottom, and totally bottoming, in the bottomed out, cooped up and rundown. Running in place, falling in love, toy soldiers with this weapon of what it is to share where resource can’t get stolen because we stole this fire from above, this fire next time. We keep this weapon under another and with each other, a sword against the over lord, us seers with eyes shut, stuttering and planning around those who plan against the contingency that will always be our shared work. Park McArthur & Constantina Zavitsanos

In the spirit of being in open rehearsal together – practicing and doing, testing out and refining – the ways of being together proposed for this event were recently rehearsed at the New Museum in New York.

To allow for the space to be open for frank discussion amongst the participants, the workshop was not documented.

  1. Just as Queer Culture reveals the fallacy of compulsory heterosexuality, sex and gender binaries, Crip Culture similarly exposes the lie underpinning society’s compulsory able-bodiedness.
  2. If a ‘strophe’ is a break in the structure of a poem, maybe Park and Tina think of it as a pause, a social space that animates a break between moving, speaking or singing together – a suspended space of being together.
Constantina Zavitsanos Website Other Forms of Conviviality from Women and Performance Park McArthur in Bomb Magazine New Museum events as part of Constantina's residence project THIS COULD BE US Vanitas, a rehearsal at the New Museum


4 images
A long shot of a bright space with people milling around

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

People gather in a semi circle around a screen in a bright room

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

In a bright room people are milling around

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A long shot of a bright space with people milling around

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

People gather in a semi circle around a screen in a bright room

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

In a bright room people are milling around

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward
