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Metzger and students seated at table
17 February 2008
The Arches

Self Cancellation – A project for voices

Gustav Metzger Kenneth Goldsmith Simon Morris

A performed self-cancelling discussion, with artists from the festival, invited speakers and local artists talking at once, over each other, or straining to be heard over the din.

A large band play multiple instruments on a golden lit stage
16 February 2008
The Arches

Energy Births Form

Alan Silva Ben Hall David Keenan Don Dietrich Incapacitants Kazuo Imai Michiyo Yagi Sabu Toyozumi

We wanted to ask a bunch of the best high-energy-improvisers around; can musical form really taking shape via a group energy? Can individual concentration lead to a group consciousness?

Robin Hayward and Radu Malfatti play brass instruments at the far end of a room
16 February 2008
The Arches


Antoine Beuger Manfred Werder Radu Malfatti

Expansive and considered, inclusive and deeply human minimalism: Antoine Beuger, Radu Malfatti, Manfred Werder.

Taku Unami looks moodily at a computer screen darkness all around
22 March 2009
The Arches

A Signature of the Room

Jean-Luc Guionnet Taku Unami

Simple maths and stringent scored instructions move precise frequencies and clicks to create a dense, fluctuating environment of standing waves and physical sound.

Arika_Instal08_BryonyMcIntyre_Marginal Consort - Imai 2106
17 February 2008
The Arches

Marginal Consort

Marginal Consort

Durational group-mind drone and clatter: bamboo, electronics, the contents of your local ironmongers bin. A 3-hour set from this legendary Japanese improvisation group.

Instal 04 publicity flyer
16 – 17 October 2004
The Arches


Now a two day festival, INSTAL 04 was borne of a desire to open eyes, challenge audiences and expand musical horizons. This was also the year in which a certain representative from Corwood Industries made his first ever live appearance.

Instal 03 publicity flyer
23 November 2003
The Arches


INSTAL’s third outing saw performances by AMM, Cosmos (Sachiko M & Ami Yoshida), Voreboms, Vibracathedral Orchestra with Matthew Bower and John Godbert, Paragon Ensemble, Merzbow and Ryoji Ikeda.

Graphic of a white bird on a black background
1 December 2002
The Arches


The second edition of the INSTAL festival broadened it’s scope to include performances from Francisco Lopez, Phil Niblock, Stefan Mathieu, Alva Noto, Ryoji Ikeda and John Wall.

Instal 09 poster
20 – 22 March 2009
The Arches


Looking at and listening to different ideas about sound and music, INSTAL 09’s collection of artists included Tetsuo Kogawa, vocalist Joan La Barbara, Phil Minton (and his Century FC feral choir), Austrian Actionist Hermann Nitsch, Steve McCaffery and many more.

Instal 08 Poster Graphic
14 – 17 February 2008
The Arches


A cast of pioneering and provocative spirits who exist outside the mainstream, between borders and definitions; a series of events that each explore different aspects of music that doesn’t quite fit any given category. INSTAL 08 included the Self-Cancellation project.

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