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A man crouching before an audience operating a projector
13 April 2007

Keith Evans & Coelacanth

Keith Evans Loren Chasse

A system in which film is projected onto copper strips, captured again and then re-projected as video, somehow transforming the original imagery into molasses-slow, molten and incredibly tactile flickers of colour and light.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Projection of a purple toned image onto a wall
19 February 2006

Jennifer Reeves & Anthony Burr

Anthony Burr Jennifer Reeves

An immersive live performance for multiple 16mm film and bass clarinet, taking in the whole gallery, submerging the audience.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
An abstract pattern against a black background
17 February 2006

Christmas Tree Stand

Bruce McClure

A stroboscopic and intense sensory overload of flashing abstract forms, cut to ribbons by modified projectors.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
Tony Conrad, Angarad Davies, Nikos Veliotis and Mark Wastel performing
17 February 2006

Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plane

Angharad Davies Mark Wastell Nikos Veliotis Tony Conrad

A trance inducing, flickering investigation of structural and minimalist droning from one of the key thinkers in sound and image over the last 50 years

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
Bhob Rainey and Greg Kelly playing saxophone and trumpet
22 May 2005
The Sage Gateshead



Boston duo of saxophonist Bhob Rainey and trumpeter Greg Kelley approach their improvisations with a slew if extended techniques and pregnant silences.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 05
Jandek and Richard Youngs onstage at MLFC 05
22 May 2005
The Sage Gateshead


Jandek Alex Neilson Richard Youngs

Jandek’s second ever live performance, and the first to be advertised in advance.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 05
a man in green clothes is wrapped to a drum kit by red tape
18 October 2003

Sunburned Hand of the Man

Sunburned Hand of the Man

First live show outside the USA featuring one-off film pieces and live theatre from the ringleaders of the ‘weird new America’ psych folk explosion.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Steve Roden seated on stage at DCA Dundee
17 October 2003

Steve Roden

Steve Roden

By focusing on the things that most people don’t notice or pass by uncaring – Steve Roden crafts gentle, sparse and metaphorically loaded compositions.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Jandek on stage wearing a hat & playing an electric guitar
17 October 2004
The Arches


Alex Neilson Jandek Richard Youngs

Jandek’s first ever live performance. Unannounced, the performance was a total surprise for everybody at the festival.

William Basinski in shirt and tie, blue screen behind, gold table to the fore
16 October 2004
The Arches

William Basinski

William Basinski

Improvising using nothing so much as the passage of time as his instrument, Basinski creates works of great melancholic depth and fragile beauty.