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Richard Youngs standing with a microphone at INSTAL 04

Richard Youngs

Richard Youngs

What we wrote at the time:

One of the most incessantly experimental musicians in the UK, Youngs aesthetic is entirely unique, never really part of any scene [whilst influencing many], steadfastly unafraid and honest. With every new release he seems to have a genuine interest in experimenting with new techniques and approaches, either solo or with collaborators [notably Neil Campbell, Simon Wickham-Smith and Kawabata Makoto], he has crafted a exceptional and varied body of work, his creativity and talent deserving of greater recognition. With an early grounding in improvisational, noise experiments and a voice tuned to the English folk tradition, he creates challengingly beautiful songs, often characterised by contrast, [being both epic and intimate at the same time], and built around devastating melodic phrases, gnomic lyrics and mysterious, charged atmospheres, often melding acoustic and electric guitar with electronics and spartan percussion. A national treasure, this is his only UK performance of the year.


4 images
Richard Youngs playing acoustic guitar on stage at INSTAL 04

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Richard Youngs playing acoustic guitar on stage at INSTAL 04

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Richard Youngs stands singing into a microphone in orange light

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Richard Youngs stands singing into a microphone in orange light

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Richard Youngs playing acoustic guitar on stage at INSTAL 04

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Richard Youngs playing acoustic guitar on stage at INSTAL 04

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Richard Youngs stands singing into a microphone in orange light

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Richard Youngs stands singing into a microphone in orange light

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre


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