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Artist Events

Richard Youngs stamps his foot and gesticulates as he sings energetically
17 February 2008
The Arches

Personal Space

Luke Fowler Richard Youngs

For musical chameleon Richard Youngs both his creative and family life are focused in the room that many of us consider the centre piece of our lives.

Jandek and Richard Youngs onstage at MLFC 05
22 May 2005
The Sage Gateshead


Jandek Alex Neilson Richard Youngs

Jandek’s second ever live performance, and the first to be advertised in advance.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 05
Jandek on stage wearing a hat & playing an electric guitar
17 October 2004
The Arches


Alex Neilson Jandek Richard Youngs

Jandek’s first ever live performance. Unannounced, the performance was a total surprise for everybody at the festival.

Richard Youngs standing with a microphone at INSTAL 04
16 October 2004
The Arches

Richard Youngs

Richard Youngs

One of the most incessantly experimental musicians in the UK, Youngs’ aesthetic is entirely unique, never really part of any scene [whilst influencing many], steadfastly unafraid and honest

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