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We Can't Live Without Our Lives Poster Graphic
15 – 19 April 2015

Episode 7: We Can’t Live Without Our Lives

In a moment of social exhaustion, we want to ask how we might care for each other differently. We Can’t Live Without Our Lives is a 5-day exploration of care as a form of struggle and resistance, with communities who embody it.

Jimmy Robert sits at the edge of a lit square on the floor, one leg bent up
26 May 2013

Suspended closure, suspended

Jimmy Robert

When we look, how do we objectify the body; how can we reflect on our (self) image as a construction?

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
boychild performs prostrate bathed in a blue light a red light in their mouth
26 May 2013

#untitled lipsync 3


The mutability of the body and the mobility of identity: queered pop culture, drag, lip-sync and performance.

The blurry figure of a dog crosses the camera, entering a doorway
26 May 2013

My Dog Is My Piano

Antonia Baehr

An audio/ video, lecture/ performance exploring the queer and companionly inter-activity of human-animal relations.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
A gender queer performer sits in a chair on stage, smoking, flanked by plants
26 May 2013


Pauline Boudry Renate Lorenz

Trans-temporal drag, sexuality and the re-staging of illegible moments in history.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
The panel members at a rectangular table listen to a question
26 May 2013

We have something to say about… Pt2

Emma Hedditch Frank Roberts Michael Roberson Pony Zion Robert Sember Terre Thaemlitz Vjuan Allure Vogue’ology

A historical narrative of the black and latino/a transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay House and Ballroom Scene in relation to its artistic practices.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
Ann Cvetkovich sitting at a table speaking into a microphone
26 May 2013

Public Feelings

Ann Cvetkovich

The role of feelings in public life, (political) depression and creative survival.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
Ann Cvetkovich gesticulates as she stands and talks by a flipchart
26 May 2013

An Archive of Feelings

Ann Cvetkovich

The queer archiving of traumatic cultural memory from one of the leading voices working with queer archives.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
25 May 2013

Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church (S)

Trajal Harrell

A meditation on how all of us perform — sometimes reinforcing, sometimes subverting — the shifting categories of gender, sexuality and race.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
under a dramatic spotlight boychild wrapped in string is hunched and performs
25 May 2013

#untitled lipsync 2


The mutability of the body and the mobility of identity: queered pop culture, drag, lip-sync and performance.

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