My Dog Is My Piano
My Dog Is My Piano
An audio/ video, lecture/ performance exploring the queer and companionly inter-activity of human-animal relations. There is no documentation available for this event, although it was reviewed by Amy Bromley for the Glasgow Review of Books.
ReadWhat we wrote about it at the time: What if we extended the queer blurring of borders between genders and social hierarchies further, to also re-write human-animal relations as a kind of companionly intra-activity? “My Dog is My Piano” sketches a subtly analytical and subjective acoustic portrait of the affinity between Baehr’s mother and her dog. Can the house they share be read as the musical score for stories of canine-human living together? What kind of language emerges from this long duet of everyday comings and goings, of these choreographies of affinities?
Photo: © Antonia Baehr/make up productions
Concept, Composition, Performance: Antonia Baehr
Dramaturgical advice: Valérie Castan
Sound: Fred Bigot
Light Design: Sylvie Garot, Georgia Ben-Brahim
Sound Mastering: Angela Anderson
Organiser: Alexandra Wellensiek
Production: make up productions
With the support of: FAR° festival des arts vivants (Nyon)
Thanks to: Bettina von Arnim, Tocki von Arnim, Donna J. Haraway, François Noudelmann, Avital Ronell, Gertrude Stein, Villa Gillet / Walls and Bridges NYC. Infinite Affinities – Chords and Discords