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A bare chested man with a bandana of their face writhes on a floor with a torch
16 February 2008



Kylie Minoise Vs Nackt Insecten feedback/ vocal physical threat ‘vs’ ecstatic electronic cloudbursts

Ikuro Takahashi & Yoko Muronoi standing by a wall
12 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead


Ikuro Takahashi Yoko Muronoi

A collaborative duo performance, Anoyonodekigoto sets up a sort of negotiation between a musician, a dancer, the audience and the space we’re all sharing.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07
Cardboard boxes suspended in bunches from cords
15 May 2010

Inferno Quiz Show

Taku Unami

Cardboard boxes, metal guitar, critical homage, attempts to describe things you can’t describe. A one-man Grand Guignol school play.

A shadow crouches on the floor amongst mic stands and boxes, one light source
28 February 2010

Taku Unami

Taku Unami

Taku’s actions strip back musical performance to one of its original proposals: what is an action and how does it create a situation for spending time together, for paying attention?

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
Taku Unami standing against a wall
22 February 2010

Investigation – Taku Unami

Taku Unami

With Taku we’ll carry out some simple proposals for doing almost nothing, for re-thinking sound with whatever comes to hand.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
Tim Goldie wearing sunglasses and hat holds his hands over his ears, tongue out
12 November 2010

Tim Goldie

Tim Goldie

Three intense solo performances for drums (both played and screamed through), cymbal, voice, credit card, bird whistle, and guitar amplifier/leads.

Man in a dressing gown and foundation sits on a beige sofa
13 November 2010

Iain Campbell

Iain Campbell F-W

A series of three short performed situations and statements to be examined or judged from the most interesting young musician in Glasgow (we think).

A B&W shot of M Lamar prostrate and seemingly screaming
27 September 2014

Speculum Orum

M Lamar

A queer black operatic requiem for piano and voice that asks us to stay in the hold of the slave ship, that tries to understand the connection from the slave ship to the prison.

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way
A large industrial fan is backlit
21 April 2013

Unfree Improvisation / Compulsive Freedom

Mattin Ray Brassier

How do you know what you want? Should freedom be doing what you ought, not doing what you want? How might a philosopher and artist turn this thinking into an enabling condition in the context of noise and improvisation?

Episode 4: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
A medieval woodcut of the cosmos with the sun, stars and heavens
5 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

Cosmic Pessimism

Eugene Thacker

A performed lecture concerned with Renaissance occult (musical) thinkers of the cosmic who put forward the notion of the “disharmony of the world”

A survey is a process of listening
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