Film Programme 4: Substitution
Film Programme 4: Substitution
To change meaning and impact by the simplest of substitutions.
Acting at the minimum. Each film here substitutes one small thing for another, (ironically) transforming received meanings by the simplest of actions; often kind of funny too.
Supermarket in C, Dir. Malcolm Goldie, 2009, UK, 3 mins
Hovis Ad, Dir. George Barber, 1994, UK, 1 min
Six Essential Books, Dir. Stephen Sutcliffe, 2008, UK, 1 mins 30 secs
Hip Hop Video, Dir. Joseph Ernst, 2007, The Netherlands, 4 mins
I Am, Dir. David Blandy, 2003-2004, UK, 2 mins
Music Video, Dir. Cheryl Donegan, 2008, USA, 3 mins 15 secs
Below are online links which you can use for reference. To see the films in their original glory, check with the distributor of the film for their terms and conditions.