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Cartography of Exhaustion

Cartography of Exhaustion

If life is assaulted by power, where do we find spaces for living? A conversation with Peter Pál Pelbart and other artists and participants in the Episode.


How is life assaulted by power? Has it penetrated every corner of our existence? Why are we are all so tired? Where can we find the space to live in the face of this attack? How might we proclaim another community – an act of unconsciousness-raising – that frees thought of what it silently thinks so as to become again what we never were?

Peter is an influential philosopher, essayist, clinician and a member of Ueinzz Theatre Company. We’ve found his book Cartography of Exhaustion – Nihilism Inside Out incredibly helpful whilst thinking about care, the body, the mind, memory and how we might come to understand the power of life. His thinking emerges from a network of entanglements that have also occupied Felix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, Suely Rolnik, Jean Oury, Samuel Beckett and Giorgio Agamben amongst others.

On the one hand, life was assaulted by power. To put it another way, power penetrated all spheres of existence, mobilised them in full, and put them to work. From genes, the body, affects, psychism, but even intelligence, imagination, creativity, all has been violated, invaded, colonised….. Power itself has become “post-modern”, undulating, a-centred, netlike, molecular. With that, it has a more direct effect over our ways of perceiving, feeling, loving, thinking, even of creating… today our life appears entirely subsumed in those mechanisms of modulating existence. Thus even sex, language, communication, oniric life, even faith, none of these still preserve any exteriority in relation to the mechanisms of control and monitoring… power is not exercised from outside, nor from above, but more as if it were from within, steering our social vitality from head to toe… This biopower does not seek to arrest life, but to take control of it, to intensify it, to make the most of it…. it is we ourselves who take on the task of administrating our own control.

Foucault intuited very early on, however, that the object of power — life — was precisely what, in an inevitable reversal, would thenceforward anchor the resistance to power. Foucault, though, may not have pushed this intuition to its final consequences. It fell to Deleuze to make explicit that the answer to the power over life could only be the power of life, in its political potential to resist and create, to vary, to produce forms of life. Peter Pál Pelbart

n-1 Publications - co-edited by Peter Pál Pelbart Inhuman Polyphony in the Theatre of Madness article in Afterall Journal


8 images, 1 video, 1 audio
Audio Recording
Copyright © 2015
A group of people sit randomly in the centre of a room

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Peter Pal Pelbart speaks into a microphone whilst leaning around some others

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Reina Gossett smiles as they hold a mic and address the group

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Park McCarthur in a yellow jacket asks a question to the group

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Howard Slater in a checked shirt asks a question to the group

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A member of the audience in profile asking a question

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A group of people sit randomly in the centre of a room

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A bearded Peter Pal Pelbart looks out of shot during a portrait

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A group of people sit randomly in the centre of a room

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Peter Pal Pelbart speaks into a microphone whilst leaning around some others

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Reina Gossett smiles as they hold a mic and address the group

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Park McCarthur in a yellow jacket asks a question to the group

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Howard Slater in a checked shirt asks a question to the group

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A member of the audience in profile asking a question

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A group of people sit randomly in the centre of a room

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

A bearded Peter Pal Pelbart looks out of shot during a portrait

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward