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Packing tubes stand on their ends. two blurred figures are sitting in the back

The Borders Play Sunno(((

The Borders Play Sunno(((

Intriguing, underground, Berlin based musicians interested in the borders between music and theatre, language, the visual arts, politics.


Who: Intriguing, underground, Berlin based musicians interested in the borders between music and theatre, language, the visual arts, politics. Have played with all your favourites, incl.7 What: May or may not include soprano sax, bass clarinet, no-input mixer, voice, hands, tongue, paper, cardboard tubes… quiet, theatrical – (and well, you don’t go and read the plot before going to a film (do you?)8), so for this performance, it’s kind of important not to give the game away9. Why: Inspired by ideas ranging from Fluxus to Situationism, their performances might be seen as a parody of a parody, which will become clear when you see it, or maybe it won’t: there, said too much already… 7 Mika Vainio, Radu Malfatti, Kevin Drumm, Rhodri Davies, Burkhard Beins, Vladislav Delay, Mattin. 8 Maybe you do, there’s no law against it: but do you find that it spoils things for you? If not, email us, seriously – we’ll tell you exactly what might happen and we can compare notes afterwards.. 9 Which makes it frustratingly difficult to write about, it must be said.


1 video, 1 audio
Audio Recording
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