The Borders Play Sunno(((
The Borders Play Sunno(((
Intriguing, underground, Berlin based musicians interested in the borders between music and theatre, language, the visual arts, politics.
ReadWho: Intriguing, underground, Berlin based musicians interested in the borders between music and theatre, language, the visual arts, politics. Have played with all your favourites, incl.7 What: May or may not include soprano sax, bass clarinet, no-input mixer, voice, hands, tongue, paper, cardboard tubes… quiet, theatrical – (and well, you don’t go and read the plot before going to a film (do you?)8), so for this performance, it’s kind of important not to give the game away9. Why: Inspired by ideas ranging from Fluxus to Situationism, their performances might be seen as a parody of a parody, which will become clear when you see it, or maybe it won’t: there, said too much already… 7 Mika Vainio, Radu Malfatti, Kevin Drumm, Rhodri Davies, Burkhard Beins, Vladislav Delay, Mattin. 8 Maybe you do, there’s no law against it: but do you find that it spoils things for you? If not, email us, seriously – we’ll tell you exactly what might happen and we can compare notes afterwards.. 9 Which makes it frustratingly difficult to write about, it must be said.

Christian Kesten