Vorticity in the Eternal Hum
Alexander Moll Jackie Wang
What’s the relationship between the eternal hum of the oceanic beloved and the persistence of vorticity in fluid dynamics? And how does Alice Coltrane’s harp help us stay there?
Arika have been creating events since 2001. The Archive is space to share the documentation of our work, over 600 events from the past 20 years. Browse the archive by event, artists and collections, explore using theme pairs, or use the index for a comprehensive overview.
This theme gives us the chance to present work that deals with ‘things’ ‘objects’ ‘objectivity’ ‘instrumentality’ and, on a more practical level, musical ‘instruments’ and so forth. Check out Dawn Kasper who took both of these notions and played with them in her performance at Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness.
What’s the relationship between the eternal hum of the oceanic beloved and the persistence of vorticity in fluid dynamics? And how does Alice Coltrane’s harp help us stay there?
A multi-media harp and spoken word tribute to the incalculable, the in-deducible, the suspicious static noise that accompanies the voice of truth, and the attempted aberrations in the domain of emergence.
Juliana’s performances chart the dissonant space and discrepancy between the presumed fixed norms of social life and the fluid lived experience those norms don’t allow for.
When we look, how do we objectify the body; how can we reflect on our (self) image as a construction?
What does it mean to listen with the mind as well as the ears? A solo performance from the great avant-garde pianist.
Percussion used to explore the social construction of space
Slapstick comedy, monologue, and a kind of live sculpture transformed through video, props, musical instruments and make-up.
Each organ is unique. The project is to find out what makes it unique.
Complexly interacting colossal drones by the creator of some of the most legendary yet least heard music of the 70’s.
Electronic music, time, thought, the word, and consecutive matters
A carefully thought out, simple but rich performance using just a turntable, teach yourself foreign language LP’s, the impeccable timing of a percussionist, and an idea.
Intriguing, underground, Berlin based musicians interested in the borders between music and theatre, language, the visual arts, politics.