Can a collective performance of NourbeSe’s poem of black life as it exceeds containment enact alternative forms of selfhood that emerge in and out of African diasporic experience?
Read“A brash, unsettling book, Zong! wants to chant or shout history down, shut history up… Fretful, possessed, obsessed, upset, curse and homeopathy, both, it visits a breathtaking run of glossolalic scat upon historical trauma.” Nathaniel Mackay. Can a collective performance of NourbeSe’s poem of black life as it exceeds containment enact alternative forms of selfhood that emerge in and out of African diasporic experience?

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre