Loren Mazzacane Connors & Alan Licht
Alan Licht Loren Mazzacane Connors
An utterly deep introspection told in aching, weeping guitar lines; melodic, simple, always minimal but somehow entirely epic.
An utterly deep introspection told in aching, weeping guitar lines; melodic, simple, always minimal but somehow entirely epic.
Thirty lucky Instal punters experience Kylie’s pre-match aggro workout one-on-one in the darkness of an Arches dressing room.
How can we imagine bodies not as an end in themselves, but as a medium through which we can become one another’s means?
How can we imagine bodies not as an end in themselves, but as a medium through which we can become one another’s means?
The first of two workshops that highlight correspondence as a way of working. Somewhere between song, speech, and logistical arrangement, these workshops invite participants to consider care as infrastructure.
The role of feelings in public life, (political) depression and creative survival.
The queer archiving of traumatic cultural memory from one of the leading voices working with queer archives.