Personal Space
Personal Space
It ain’t easy being angry! Lea Cummings spends countless nights backstage at various venues working himself into a ball of harsh-noise energy before unleashing his rage on Joe Public. Thirty lucky Instal punters will have the opportunity to experience Kylie’s pre-match aggro workout one-on-one in the darkness of an Arches dressing room.
ReadWalking to work, buying groceries, cleaning the toilet, sipping a pint at your local boozer….. it’s the mundane little everyday things/ situations in life which shape who we are and which (in)directly influence what we do/create. So what is it that makes Glaswegian noisemakers make their noises? This year we’ve invited a handful of artists with strong ties to Glasgow to take us to the places in & around the city which they feel influence them & their art as part of the Personal Space section of the festival.
Thanks to Stewart Smith for the use of his tape of the performance.