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Large white and red forms projected near a man operating another projector
29 November 2008
BFI Southbank BFI IMAX ICA Spike Island Arnolfini CCA

La Cellule d’Intervention Metamkine


Multiple images, glimpses of old films, abstract images in the midst of an electro-acoustic sound field of tape loops & analogue synthesizers

Kill Your Timid Notion on Tour
Projection of LIGHT MUSIC by Liz Rhodes in DCA Dundee
19 February 2006

Expanded Cinema: LIGHT MUSIC

Lis Rhodes

Light Music is a dizzying celebration of the pivotal nature of sound in film; a direct and powerful transcription of film as sound.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
A man holding a guitar with a strip of film in the strings
19 February 2006

Emma Hart & Benedict Drew

Benedict Drew Emma Hart

An original and beautifully simple performed installation forging a direct link between sound and image.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
An abstract texture against a black background
18 February 2006

Sandra Gibson, Luis Recoder & Daniel Menche

Luis Recoder Sandra Gibson Daniel Menche

A collaborative performance where sound and image are created, performed and mediated by light, water and glass.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
Emma Hart lit from the glare of a projector as she adjusts a camera
17 February 2006

Emma Hart & Benedict Drew

Benedict Drew Emma Hart

An original and beautifully simple performed installation forging a direct link between sound and image.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
a close up of a music box and stylus surrounded by acoustic padding
10 December 2004

The Music Box (2004)

Petteri Nisunen Tommi Grönlund

Finnish duo Grönlund Nisunen are known for their extraordinary work fusing incredible sounds with stunning objects in large scale sculptural installations.

Kill Your Timid Notion 04
John Butcher holds and plays a saxophone
15 February 2008
The Arches

Self Cancellation – Asymptotic Freedom / Feedback Wire Drawing

Benedict Drew John Butcher

John Butcher plays and manipulates a feeding back saxophone. Benedict Drew on electronics, broken cables and standing waves.

A series of large dimly lit light bulbs hanging in a room
12 April 2007

Beyond 6281


Audio signals pass through light bulbs, causing the filaments of the bulbs to sing and crackle in a chorus of electronic static.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Close up of a radio with a glowing fluorescent tube on top
12 April 2007

Chord of the Fifth Force

Barry Weisblat

A drone installation populated by flourescent strip lights working in complicity with analogue radios – “all the lights just do their thing”.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A projector running in a dark room
26 February 2010

Sea Oak

Emily Wardill

A film installation as both allegory and investigation of The Rockridge Institute and their research into ‘framing’ and the use of metaphor within political discourse.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
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