Standing in the Flesh
Hortense J. Spillers
In rethinking the body, the law, the state, gender, race, violence, care and empathy, how we might give humanness a different future?
In rethinking the body, the law, the state, gender, race, violence, care and empathy, how we might give humanness a different future?
A discussion about what is at stake in the performance of realness and the practice of passing, and how they are both acts of survival and resistance.
A conversation about the movement for prison abolition and refusing the logic of race and sex that underpins the criminalisation and mass incarceration of communities.
A movement-based workshop on Krump and the politics of how we teach, learn and listen with our bodies. Move with us!
A 3-day exploration – through performance, screenings and discussion – of the art and politics of wayward communities who refuse to be bound by the fictions of race and sex.
An audio/ video, lecture/ performance exploring the queer and companionly inter-activity of human-animal relations.
A meditation on how all of us perform — sometimes reinforcing, sometimes subverting — the shifting categories of gender, sexuality and race.
Voguing, drag, clubbing, and the politics of communities making different performances of gender and sexuality visible.