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Three slashes of colour in a black film frame, blues, pinks, reds
19 February 2006

Film Programme 3: Retro

Various Artists

Birthed from the collective stagger in global consciousness of the late 50’s and 60’s, this programme celebrates epochal, groundbreaking films that all address sound in their own way and that have opened pathways to experimentation.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
Multiple versions of several mythical looking characters look up at the camera
19 October 2003

Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda

Ira Cohen

Beat poet Ira Cohen’s now infamous and wildly psychedelic film odyssey feeds one’s own seeing apparatus through beautifully warped and distorting mylar mirrors, resulting in a film dense and rich with visual arcana and poetry.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
a man in green clothes is wrapped to a drum kit by red tape
18 October 2003

Sunburned Hand of the Man

Sunburned Hand of the Man

First live show outside the USA featuring one-off film pieces and live theatre from the ringleaders of the ‘weird new America’ psych folk explosion.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Makoto Kawabata playing electric guitar in front of a projection
19 October 2003

The Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda

Acid Mothers Temple

Freak-out group for the 21st century perform a live soundtrack to Ira Cohen’s infamous psychedelic masterpiece ‘The Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda’

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Vibracathedral Orchestra on stage in red light
23 November 2003

Vibracathedral Orchestra & Matthew Bower & John Godbert

John Godbert Matthew Bower Vibracathedral Orchestra

For this one off performance Vibracathedral Orchestra are joined by Matthew Bower and John Godbert from mighty UK heavy/drone/psych free-noise behemoths Skullfower, Sunroof! and Total.

in a dark arched room an audience watches a screen showing nylon being melted
15 February 2008
The Arches

Self Cancellation – Acid/Nylon

Gustav Metzger

A recreation of one of Gustav Metzger’s celebrated auto destructive performances.

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