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Vibracathedral Orchestra on stage in red light
23 November 2003

Vibracathedral Orchestra & Matthew Bower & John Godbert

John Godbert Matthew Bower Vibracathedral Orchestra

For this one off performance Vibracathedral Orchestra are joined by Matthew Bower and John Godbert from mighty UK heavy/drone/psych free-noise behemoths Skullfower, Sunroof! and Total.

AMM in a hallway or a hotel foyer leather jackets and smiles
23 November 2003
The Arches


Eddie Prevost John Tilbury Keith Rowe

AMM have undoubtedly been among the most important contributors to the UK free improv scene for nearly 40 years and we are extremely proud to be able to be working with such distinguished musicians who still rarely play live in the UK.

Instal 03 publicity flyer
23 November 2003
The Arches


INSTAL’s third outing saw performances by AMM, Cosmos (Sachiko M & Ami Yoshida), Voreboms, Vibracathedral Orchestra with Matthew Bower and John Godbert, Paragon Ensemble, Merzbow and Ryoji Ikeda.

Turquoise and Brown text reads Kill Your Timid Notion
17 – 19 October 2003

Kill Your Timid Notion 03

Taking over the gallery spaces at Dundee Contemporary Arts, the first Kill Your Timid Notion presented a 3 day programme of live immersive experiences and specially curated film programmes.

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