Recipes to Change Society
Recipes to Change Society
A sort of prayer and conference, a sort of scream and dialogue – a monologue and declaration at the time, addressing how we can build complicity with one another.
ReadIn a world where it seems capitalism has triumphed within our own subjectivity…In a world where injustices seem so huge they succeed in provoking helplessness and resignation within us…
The only way to make sense of such a world is to proclaim social struggle, movement and conflict as a purpose of life. What is this struggle – that can give sense to the world today? Where do we begin? What is the space of social struggle? How can we build complicity with one another?
These are the questions Mujeres Creando will attempt to answer, through a sort of prayer and conference, a sort of scream and dialogue – a monologue and declaration at the same time. At Episode 8 we were joined by Mujeres Creando member María Galindo, Arleti Tordoya Vega was also due to participate but unfortunately could not attend.
Mujeres Creando
Mujeres Creando, which translates as Women Creating, are a fiercely incredible Bolivian anarcha-feminist street movement that fuse politics and art in an ongoing practice of decolonialisation and depatriarchalisation, involving direct action, propaganda, radio shows, graffiti and collective support and struggle. “Crazy people, agitators, rebels, disobedients, subversives, witches, street grafiteras, anarchists, feministas, Lesbians and heterosexuals; married and unmarried; students and clerks; Indians, chotas, cholas, birlochas, and señoritas; old and young; white and coloured, we are a fabric of solidarities; of identities, of commitments, we are women, WOMEN CREATING.”