Personal Space
Aileen Campbell Neil Davidson
Personal Spaces: inversion of a territorial bell, confusing the realms between rehearsal and performance, public and private space.
Personal Spaces: inversion of a territorial bell, confusing the realms between rehearsal and performance, public and private space.
Sparse and miniature free thought workouts involving guitar, vocals and tuba.
Two-parts Helhesten spit strangled shanties and cracked reeds from under a net of the Glasgow Improv Orchestra’s six-strings and one moustache.
From really simple, open instructions, An Unrhymed Chord creates a kind of half-way point between composition and improvisation.
Three different performances variously featuring: Fritz Welch, loud drums, guitar, local collaborators, paper, memories, Roland Barthes, string quartets
Listening to people listening to their own homes. Musicians and actors will listen back to recordings made in local peoples homes on headphones, and interpret/ translate what they are hearing.
Performances of compositions by Jean-Luc Guionnet and others, with Julia Letitia Scott, Iain Campbell F-W, Neil Davidson, Fritz Welch, Liene Rozite, Emilia Muller Ginorio.