Personal Space
Personal Space
Performance at the top of Glasgow University’s bell tower, inverting the territorial sound sound of the bell as it marks out space of the city and regulates (supposedly) student behaviour.
Walking to work, buying groceries, cleaning the toilet, sipping a pint at your local boozer….. it’s the mundane little everyday things/ situations in life which shape who we are and which (in)directly influence what we do/create. So what is it that makes Glaswegian noisemakers make their noises? This year we’ve invited a handful of artists with strong ties to Glasgow to take us to the places in & around the city which they feel influence them & their art as part of the Personal Space section of the festival.
ReadGlasgow Improvisers Aileen and Neil live roughly equal distances from the Glasgow University bell tower, the tolling of whose bell can be heard all over the west end of Glasgow. It is a territorial sound which marks out space in that part of the city and regulates (supposedly) student behaviour, attending classes and so on. The bell is an evocative sound and Aileen & Neil want to get inside the structure of the sound in its environment rather than imitate it or simulate it. Confusing the realms between rehearsal and performance, public and private space, Aileen and Neil will restage aspects of their bell tower visit at the INSTAL CLUB. Personal Space & Instal Club curated with Ail Robertson of Giant Tank.

▴ Credit: Barry Esson

▴ Credit: Barry Esson

▴ Credit: Neil Davidson

▴ Credit: Barry Esson

▴ Credit: Barry Esson

▴ Credit: Barry Esson

▴ Credit: Barry Esson

▴ Credit: Neil Davidson

▴ Credit: Neil Davidson

Aileen Campbell