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Jack Halberstam speaking into a microphone

No Church in the Wild

No Church in the Wild

Can we find ideas of queer anarchism, failure and low theory in popular culture?


What we wrote about it at the time: Jack’s low theory makes important contributions to issues relating to tomboys, female masculinity and drag kings, anarchy, failure and chaos, mining mainstream culture for its queer potential. By weaving a story about emergent forms of life through the glimpses we catch of it in popular culture and subcultural production – in this case Jay Z and Kanye West’s “No Church in the Wild” – Jack points to a kind of emergent cultural idiom that speaks in the language of anarchistic revolt and takes issue with the logics of success and failure that have riddled every aspect of modern life.

Jack Halberstam


5 images, 1 video, 1 audio
Audio Recording
Jack Halberstam stands at a lecture with a screen in the foreground

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam, in a suit, gesticulates whilst delivering a talk

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam, in a suit, gesticulates, hand raised whilst delivering a talkk

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam speaking into a microphone

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam, in a suit, gesticulates, hand raised whilst delivering a talk

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam stands at a lecture with a screen in the foreground

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam, in a suit, gesticulates whilst delivering a talk

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam, in a suit, gesticulates, hand raised whilst delivering a talkk

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam speaking into a microphone

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

Jack Halberstam, in a suit, gesticulates, hand raised whilst delivering a talk

▴ Credit: Alex Woodward

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