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Zinzi Buchanan
River Molloy
Camille Sapara Barton
Sapna Agarwal
Lisa Fannen
41 Whitefield Road
G51 2YB
Week Nine: Closing Session
Lisa Fannen Sapna Agarwal
This closing session will be a space for reflection and feedback. We can discuss ways we can share what we’ve learned and explored with our wider communities. We can talk about if we want to do more sessions and /or projects together.
Week Eight: Psycho-emotional Health – Exploring Experiences
Lisa Fannen Sapna Agarwal
We’ll look more at psycho-emotional health – exploring experiences as opposed to diagnoses. And exploring collective care and collective healing.
Week Seven: Reframing Trauma
Lisa Fannen Sapna Agarwal
We’ll be looking at reframing trauma, how we might understand trauma in the bodymindsoul, taking a look at the physiology of trauma, forms of trauma, and at ways to mitigate and heal trauma.
Week Six: Decolonising ‘global mental health’
Lisa Fannen Sapna Agarwal
We’ll be looking at decolonising ‘global mental health’. We’ll look at the concepts of decoloniality, of things being ‘culture bound’, and at hermeneutical injustice* as ways to examine dominator knowledge systems, and the institution of psych/iatry.
Week Five: Mental Health/ Moving Beyond
Lisa Fannen Sapna Agarwal
We’ll look at the language and politics of what gets ‘mental health’ and consider more holistic understandings of experiences that honour the connection between mind/body/soul, and that acknowledge social and political context.
Week Four: Herbs to Support Psycho-emotional Health
Lisa Fannen Sapna Agarwal
In this session we’ll explore the use of herbs to support psycho-emotional health*, especially focusing on considering ‘nervines’; herbs that support rest, relaxation, that soothe, ground, vitalise and nourish. We’ll also be looking at personal constitutions and plant energetics. And we’ll briefly touch on the use of entheogens (psychoactive substances such as magic mushrooms) as medicine.
Week Three: Gender in the Body
An introduction to gender and embodiment for cisgender folk (i.e. those whose experience aligns with their assigned gender). This will look at the ways our embodied experiences are shaped by our gender, and explore what it means to support trans siblings in practice. This session will be led by Tripod.
Week Three: We Take Care Of Each Other
River Molloy Zinzi Buchanan River MacAskill
This trans-exclusive workshop, co-facilitated by River McAskill, River Molloy and Zinzi Buchanan, offers body-focused exercises and creative practices for a trans-exclusive space, situated within the present local and global climate. We will bring an array of offerings related to the question: how can we take care of ourselves and one another, when we can’t trust state systems to take care of us? Come as you are and bring anything that adds to your comfort.
Week Two: White Resilience: Embodied Anti-Racism
The session – aimed specifically at white people – will be run by Tripod. We will explore and address whiteness, embodied responses to racial tension and somatic techniques to build resilience for practicing anti-racist action. It will be a space to learn and transform together and look at further anti-racist resources and work.
Week Two: An Introduction to Somatics, the Resilience Toolkit and Liberatory Ways Of Being
Camille Sapara Barton
Camille Sapara Barton author of Tending Grief will facilitate this BIPOC only session around somatics and racial justice.
Week One: Welcome Session
Lisa Fannen Sapna Agarwal
In this welcoming first session we will look at the basics of using plant medicine – things you might have in your kitchen or easily to hand. We will introduce preparation methods, contraindications, dosages & remedies for common ailments.

In Our Hands 2025
In Our Hands is a nine week programme of workshops exploring radical approaches to health and collective care in the movement for liberation and social justice.

IN OUR LIFETIME – A New Anti-Imperialist Resource
Hussein Mitha
IN OUR LIFETIME, is an anti-imperialist resource, edited by Hussein Mitha, produced by Arika for Episode 11, featuring poetry, essays, questions, prompts, letters and works of anti-colonial imaginary.

To Give Up This World, To Have Many Others – In Conversation with Ailton Krenak
Ailton Krenak (by video) Denise Ferreira da Silva Amilcar Packer
A recorded a conversation that grounds the Episode, exploring Ailton Krenak’s thinking and distinct poetics of life; as it work against capitalism and fascism, as a denunciation of political alliances, and maybe even of ‘politics’.

Elwood Jimmy

Arissana Pataxó

Sakina Ali

Avery F. Gordon

Trans Breakfast at the End of the World
Mijke van der Drift Nat Raha
An informal conversation, over breakfast, about how abolition and movement work structures Mijke and Nat’s approach to transfeminism, ahead of their new book Trans Femme Futures.

Harry Josephine Giles

Joel White