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Robin Hayward and Radu Malfatti play brass instruments at the far end of a room
16 February 2008
The Arches


Antoine Beuger Manfred Werder Radu Malfatti

Expansive and considered, inclusive and deeply human minimalism: Antoine Beuger, Radu Malfatti, Manfred Werder.

Michael Pisaro smiles into the camera against a light background
21 March 2009
The Arches

An Unrhymed Chord

Aileen Campbell Eva-Maria Houben Jean-Philippe Gross Jerome Noetinger Klaus Filip Michael Pisaro Neil Davidson Nikos Veliotis Radu Malfatti Seymour Wright Taku Unami Toshimaru Nakamura

From really simple, open instructions, An Unrhymed Chord creates a kind of half-way point between composition and improvisation.

Klaus sits at a table and plays electronics whilst Radu plays trombone
21 March 2009
The Arches

Klaus Filip & Radu Malfatti

Klaus Filip Radu Malfatti

Radu plays a trombone, Klaus creates pure sine waves: they sound on their own, or sometimes together and often with considerable space and silence.

An audience in a chapel
20 March 2009
Glasgow University Chapel


Eva-Maria Houben

Solo organ performance by German composer Eva-Maria Houben, which focuses on ‘nearly nothing’ to expand the way we listen.

Instal 09 poster
20 – 22 March 2009
The Arches


Looking at and listening to different ideas about sound and music, INSTAL 09’s collection of artists included Tetsuo Kogawa, vocalist Joan La Barbara, Phil Minton (and his Century FC feral choir), Austrian Actionist Hermann Nitsch, Steve McCaffery and many more.

Instal 08 Poster Graphic
14 – 17 February 2008
The Arches


A cast of pioneering and provocative spirits who exist outside the mainstream, between borders and definitions; a series of events that each explore different aspects of music that doesn’t quite fit any given category. INSTAL 08 included the Self-Cancellation project.

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