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Multiple versions of several mythical looking characters look up at the camera
19 October 2003

Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda

Ira Cohen

Beat poet Ira Cohen’s now infamous and wildly psychedelic film odyssey feeds one’s own seeing apparatus through beautifully warped and distorting mylar mirrors, resulting in a film dense and rich with visual arcana and poetry.

Kill Your Timid Notion 03
Ryoji Ikeda pictured against a dark background
1 December 2002
The Arches

Formula [ver 1.1]

Ryoji Ikeda

Exploring the interplay between punk sinewave aggression, high-speed video sequences and stroboscopic lighting

at the end of a dark gallery a screen throbs with layers rectangles of red
12 October 2008

Declarative Mode (1976 – 1977)

Paul Sharits

Paul Sharits is one of our all time heroes, and one of the great artist filmmakers of the 20th Century.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
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