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Beams of light fanning out from the right in bands of green and white
15 April 2007

Light Trap

Greg Pope Norbert Möslang

Out of a dark haze, shafts of lights are picked out from the surface of film. Out of the black silence, noise, audible scratches bloom into a bright drone of broken and cracked objects.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Ryoji Ikeda pictured against a dark background
1 December 2002
The Arches

Formula [ver 1.1]

Ryoji Ikeda

Exploring the interplay between punk sinewave aggression, high-speed video sequences and stroboscopic lighting

Ripples on the surface of water
12 October 2008

cloud _to_air

Seth Cluett

Like walking through the abstracted amalgamation of 30 or so storms, trays of water shaken by thunder, light bouncing off pools.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
A blurry crowd mill on dance floor in the centre of a theatre space
13 November 2010

Speculative Solution

Florian Hecker

A multi-speaker, electronic, spacious and spatial performance from Florian Hecker.

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