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A glass spilling over with milk sat on a table
28 February 2010

Semiotics of the Kitchen & To Pour Milk into a Glass

David Lamelas Martha Rosler

Stripping back the domesticated ‘meaning’ of (everyday, mundane, kitchen) tools to reveal “a lexicon of rage and frustration.” Plus an allegorical use of mundane, everyday things as an examination of how meaning is constructed in film.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A cactus and coffee cup and a sheet of paper sit on a table
28 February 2010

Poetic Justice

Hollis Frampton

A cinema of the mind, a film to take place in the viewers’ imagination(s).

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A view down a long underground corridor with lockers and a few seated figures
24 February 2010

Lunch Break

Sharon Lockhart

A slowed down single tracking shot along a corridor as workers at the Bath Iron Works, (Maine, USA) take their lunch break.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A hand frames the word Panther written on a brick in pen
11 October 2008

Film Programme: Zorns Lemma

Hollis Frampton

One of the great experimental films. A 60 minute, three part riddle that maybe approximates our intellectual development by moving from imageless words to the recognition of silent images and the learning of simple tasks and finally a serenity and acceptance of death.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
Beams of light fanning out across an audience from different directions
29 November 2008
BFI Southbank BFI IMAX ICA Spike Island Arnolfini CCA

Light Trap

Greg Pope Norbert Möslang

Out of a dark haze, shafts of light emerge, as the emulsion is scratched from the surface of the film. Simultaneously, out of the black silence, noise and audible scratches bloom into a bright drone.

Kill Your Timid Notion on Tour
A microphone wrapped in white paper on a mic stand on stage
20 May 2005
The Sage Gateshead


Takehisa Kosugi

MICRO 1 – Wrap a live microphone with a very large sheet of paper. Make a light bundle. Keep the microphone live for another 5 minutes. T. Kosugi – (1961)

Music Lover’s Field Companion 05
1 December 2002
The Arches

John Wall

John Wall

Tiny fragments of sound recombined and woven into spare and precise, violent yet beautiful pieces

Guy sherwin holding a mirror showing a projection of himself with another mirror
10 October 2008

Man With a Mirror

Guy Sherwin

A film performance about Guy then, and Guy now, as a metaphor for the passing of time, which of course all film is inherently about.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
Taku Unami looks moodily at a computer screen darkness all around
22 March 2009
The Arches

A Signature of the Room

Jean-Luc Guionnet Taku Unami

Simple maths and stringent scored instructions move precise frequencies and clicks to create a dense, fluctuating environment of standing waves and physical sound.

Nikos Veliotis in safety goggles chips wood, cello and a projection in the back
21 March 2009
The Arches

Cello Powder

Nikos Veliotis

Nikos played every note that it’s possible to play on the cello, all played back as a one hour drone, while the cello was turned to powder and bottled.

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