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boychild raises hands to the air open palm toward ceiling, head tilted upwards
23 November 2019

Untitled Hand Dance


“Hidden in the hands an alluvial transcription of reach and embrace. The final flickers of the body’s expression, caress and touch.” – boychild

Episode 10: A Means Without End
Fernando stands facing boychild who holds grasps elbow with opposite hand
23 November 2019

Borders between Mathematics, Gestures and Dance

boychild Fernando Zalamea

How do we gesture to the invisible, the trans or the obscure? A performative conversation between boychild and Fernando, a sharing of gestures, and a bodily back and forth between mathematician and dance artist.

Episode 10: A Means Without End
17 November 2017
Kinning Park Complex

Storyboard P at Kinning Park Complex

Storyboard P

During Episode 9 we made this clip with Storyboard P at Kinning Park Complex. Video by Ash Reid.

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist
Storyboard P and Project X dancing on stage
18 November 2017

Speech Captions Body Language

Storyboard P

In which Storyboard P and members of Project X pick a song, freestyle to it, chat with us about what dancing means to them, then pick another song, freestyle, chat, repeat…

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist
Two legs wearing black high heeled boots stick up above the edge of dark stage
18 November 2017

Moved by the Motion

boychild TOTAL FREEDOM Wu Tsang

Sci-fi. After the club. Underground. Counter-narrative. Narrated movement. Cultural resistance. Wu Tsang and boychild’s collaborative performance series, will continue its evolution at Episode 9 with the addition of TOTAL FREEDOM.

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist
Storyboard P blurred in movement surrounded by darkness
16 November 2017

The Body is a Sanctuary That Floats

Storyboard P

A performance by Storyboard P – one of the greatest Afrofuturist dancers on the planet.

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist
Other Worlds Already Exist: text in pink on blue background
16 – 19 November 2017
Tramway Kinning Park Complex Many Studios

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist

4 days of performances, discussions, workshops, screenings with mutant dancers, prison abolitionist poets, transfeminist revolutionaries, haunted noise, science fiction, sex worker resistance, crip erotics, radical pornography and militant fiction.

A group of people on a stage, they move quickly. One has their hands in the air
22 October 2016

[b]reach: The Fugitive Chronicles – an open rehearsal

Gallery of the Streets Glasgow Open Dance School Kai Lumumba Barrow

The ongoing development of [b]reach, an abolitionist black queer retelling of Marge Piercy’s incredible feminist utopian novel Woman on the Edge of Time.

Episode 8: Refuse Powers’ Grasp
21 October 2016
The Art School

Refuse Powers’ Grasp – Club

boychild Elysia Crampton Juliana Huxtable Joe Heffernan

All ticket income goes directly to We Will Rise – a group of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and their allies who have come together to End Immigration Detention in the UK.

Episode 8: Refuse Powers’ Grasp
Ikuro Takahashi & Yoko Muronoi standing by a wall
12 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead


Ikuro Takahashi Yoko Muronoi

A collaborative duo performance, Anoyonodekigoto sets up a sort of negotiation between a musician, a dancer, the audience and the space we’re all sharing.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07