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Ikuro Takahashi & Yoko Muronoi standing by a wall
12 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead


Ikuro Takahashi Yoko Muronoi

A collaborative duo performance, Anoyonodekigoto sets up a sort of negotiation between a musician, a dancer, the audience and the space we’re all sharing.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07
boychild performs prostrate bathed in a blue light a red light in their mouth
26 May 2013

#untitled lipsync 3


The mutability of the body and the mobility of identity: queered pop culture, drag, lip-sync and performance.

under a dramatic spotlight boychild wrapped in string is hunched and performs
25 May 2013

#untitled lipsync 2


The mutability of the body and the mobility of identity: queered pop culture, drag, lip-sync and performance.

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