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Brian Dillon portrait against a brick wall
14 April 2007

Brian Dillon Talk

Brian Dillon

Join Brian as he ruminates on the history of how experimental filmmakers and sound artists have drifted into and taken over galleries in order to show their work.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A room full of plinths with candles on top
13 April 2007

Joe Colley

Joe Colley

Joe Colley specialises in hotwired sound constructions full of ominous electronic disturbances and caustic, noxious drones. For KYTN, Joe created a situation of controlled chaos with 50 light sensitive oscillators placed in a field of candles.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Paul Sharits' Shutter Interface projected on a wall: three bands of colour
13 April 2007

Shutter Interface

Paul Sharits

Paul Sharits’ Shutter Interface is a multi screen installation born of an intent to reveal the material substance of cinema in its purest form: spatially.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A man crouching before an audience operating a projector
13 April 2007

Keith Evans & Coelacanth

Keith Evans Loren Chasse

A system in which film is projected onto copper strips, captured again and then re-projected as video, somehow transforming the original imagery into molasses-slow, molten and incredibly tactile flickers of colour and light.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A rectangle of red light, one of green light and a beam of white light
13 April 2007

Wave Formations

William Raban

Wave Formations is a 5 screen work in which each screen runs through a series of fades and then stroboscopic flashes of colour, to create a series of visual harmonics.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
13 April 2007

KYTN Salon: Post Consideration

Andrew Lampert Edwin Carels Eric La Casa John Harris Prof. Heike Sperling Zoe Irvine

Post consideration and post rationalisation… How do we think about experimental music and film after the performance?

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Some figures and equipment casting shadows on a fabric screen
12 April 2007

The Cube

Christophe Cardoen Etienne Caire Gaëlle Rouard Jerome Noetinger Kris Auger Lionel Marchetti Xavier Quérel

The Cube is a 6 hour performed installation in which sound and image are treated as independent but equal, where musicians and filmmakers sit alongside each other, improvise to and feed off both projected image and amplified and acoustic sound.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A series of large dimly lit light bulbs hanging in a room
12 April 2007

Beyond 6281


Audio signals pass through light bulbs, causing the filaments of the bulbs to sing and crackle in a chorus of electronic static.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Close up of a radio with a glowing fluorescent tube on top
12 April 2007

Chord of the Fifth Force

Barry Weisblat

A drone installation populated by flourescent strip lights working in complicity with analogue radios – “all the lights just do their thing”.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Inure Takehashi playing a snare drum among buddleia
15 July 2007
The former Abbeyhill Station

Shadowed Spaces Edinburgh

Ikuro Takahashi Sean Meehan Tamio Shiraishi Denis Wood

The site of the former Abbeyhill Station on the 1903 Leith branch of the Edinburgh and Dalkeith railway, overgrown and leading to as yet un-regenerated ‘wasteland’; taxi’s for 80 people, each instructed to take different routes between locations and; a slice of land concealed behind corporate business park branding off the Wester Approach Rd, apparently of no conceivable use and named ‘Chateaux de Scum’ by those who use it anyway.

Shadowed Spaces
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