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15 April 2007

Film Programme 6: Contrast

Various Artists Guy Sherwin

Includes: tamed TV snow, video feedback of racing particles, a remake of a polish photogram film destroyed in WWII, a visual and aural representation of Gestalt theory, hole-punched film and Guy Sherwin’s Cycles 3 double-projection.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A broken c90 cassette spews a ribbon of tape onto a concrete slab
15 April 2007

Lost Sound: Graeme Miller + John Smith

Various Artists

Ever wondered about the roadside festoons which are the innards of discarded cassette tapes? All will be revealed in this methodical and insightful documentary by UK luminary John Smith and sound artist cohort Graeme Miller.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
a newspaper clipping of a drawing of a donkey, side on
15 April 2007

Film Programme 5: Word

Emma Hart Guy Sherwin Paul Sharits Various Artists John Smith

Includes: a £20 note, stock fluctuations, an examination of words in the video medium, a linguistic challenge for your mind, a frame by frame dissection 50 words, shop front poetry, image and language head to head and newspapers under the microscope.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
15 April 2007

Film Programme 4: Beyond Image

Various Artists

Includes: a classic of innovative computer graphics, ex-pat Scot McLaren on form, a riotous psychedelic oil show with a Soft Machine accompaniment, subtle manipulation of data feedback, a colourful road movie and a reworking of a lost Paul Sharits film.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A section of exposed 16mm film stock covered in small abrasions
14 April 2007

Film Programme 3: Earth

Various Artists Ian Helliwell

Includes: solar flares, insect fireworks, a new film from Ian Helliwell, pulsating glaciers, an apple being eaten alive, sea ravaged stock, crushed blackberries and film that has literally risen from the grave.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A B and W film still of several people crossing a street in 1960's london
14 April 2007

Film Programme 2: Humans

Ken Jacobs Various Artists John Smith

Includes: street portraits of kids in 1930’s Dakota, a mysterious foggy pilgrimage, a swarm of time-lapsed consumers, a stereoscopic analysis of mill life, up close and personal in a Lighting Bolt mosh pit.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
a fisheye lens looks up a blue sky with skyscrapers towering around
14 April 2007

Film Programme 1: In + Out

Guy Sherwin Various Artists

Includes: a polish counting lesson, around NYC with D A Pennebaker, a portrait of a tower block, a man with a spade, at home with KYTN regular Guy Sherwin, a cinematic Blair Witchish cut-up and a song for some swings.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
A lot of nails and screws rusting on the ground
13 July 2007
Under the M74 Ski Jump / Extension Ramp

Shadowed Spaces Glasgow

Sean Meehan Tamio Shiraishi Ikuro Takahashi

A recording session for BBC Radio Scotland under the M74 ‘Ski Jump’ extension ramp, a secion of motorway that doesn’t go anywhere, one of several such structures that populate the motorway system in the centre of Glasgow.

Shadowed Spaces
Daniel Carter sitting backstage at MLFC 07
13 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead

Talk Hosted by Byron Coley

Byron Coley Daniel Carter Sabir Mateen

Free-jazz chat with Sabir Mateen, Daniel Cater, Andrew Barker – hosted by Byron Coley.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07
Joe Kubera Kate Thompson David Murray Alan Fearon & Simon Passmore at MLFC 07
11 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead

Evil Nigger

Julius Eastman

Julius Eastman’s Evil Nigger for 4 pianos performed by Joe Kubera, Kate Thompson, David Murray, Alan Fearon and Simon Passmore.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07
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