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Christoph Cox backstage at KYTN 08

From Synaesthesia to Metaphor Sound and Image in Contemporary Art

From Synaesthesia to Metaphor Sound and Image in Contemporary Art

For KYTN we asked Christoph to come and give a sort of informal talk, raising some of his ideas about sound and image, and playing/ showing a few examples. Christoph also writes regularly on contemporary art and music for Artforum, The Wire, Cabinet, and other magazines. He’s written widely on sound art and also it’s relationship to visual culture and while we were researching the festival we came across an article by him that really chimed with how we were thinking about the programme.


Christoph Cox is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Hampshire College. He’s also the author of Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation (University of California Press, 1999), and co-editor of the indispensable Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music (Continuum 2004).


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