Standing in the Flesh
Hortense J. Spillers
In rethinking the body, the law, the state, gender, race, violence, care and empathy, how we might give humanness a different future?
In rethinking the body, the law, the state, gender, race, violence, care and empathy, how we might give humanness a different future?
A discussion about what is at stake in the performance of realness and the practice of passing, and how they are both acts of survival and resistance.
A socio-poetic reading on wayward communities – The wayward create upheavals, incite tumult. They come and go as they please; they are fugitive; they are in open rebellion against society.
A 3-day exploration – through performance, screenings and discussion – of the art and politics of wayward communities who refuse to be bound by the fictions of race and sex.
The mutability of the body and the mobility of identity: queered pop culture, drag, lip-sync and performance.
A historical narrative of the black and latino/a transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay House and Ballroom Scene in relation to its artistic practices.
The role of feelings in public life, (political) depression and creative survival.
A meditation on how all of us perform — sometimes reinforcing, sometimes subverting — the shifting categories of gender, sexuality and race.
The mutability of the body and the mobility of identity: queered pop culture, drag, lip-sync and performance.
An audio and video investigation of gender cults, Catholicism, hauntings and nuns’ use of audio devices…