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Sunik Kim performing. They are sat at a desk with a laptop and mic, there is a cast of blue glowing light.
17 November 2024
Tramway Live Stream


Sunik Kim

A dense materialist experience at the limits of contemporary computer music, drawing on Korean Shamanism and Communism; striving to create a strange new vibration to the world that seems to contain the seed of everything.

Episode 11: To End the World As We Know It
white text on black background says "sexwork 101: The World's Oldest Oppres(Profes)sion
2 September 2024

Sex Work 101: The World’s Oldest Oppres(Profes)sion

A 101 panel on sex work in Scotland, hosted by National Ugly Mugs, Sex Workers Union, Scotland for Decrim (Decrim Now) host

Nate is shown from the waist up, leaning against a fence, wearing a navy t-shirt
24 November 2019

Nathaniel Mackey

Nathaniel Mackey

“Mackey composes realist-mythic layering of lyrical prose unlike anything being written today.” — New York Times. “Our greatest living epic poet…Mackey’s poetry and criticism have reinvented modernism for our time.”— LitHub

Episode 10: A Means Without End
a newspaper clipping of a drawing of a donkey, side on
29 November 2008
BFI Southbank CCA Arnolfini

Word Associations

Various Artists Guy Sherwin John Smith

A programme of discontinuity between narration, text and image. Including Manual Saiz’s employment of John Malkovich’s Spanish dubbing double and Peter Rose’s absurdly hilarious concrete poetry subtitling chaos.

Kill Your Timid Notion on Tour
A glass spilling over with milk sat on a table
28 February 2010

Semiotics of the Kitchen & To Pour Milk into a Glass

David Lamelas Martha Rosler

Stripping back the domesticated ‘meaning’ of (everyday, mundane, kitchen) tools to reveal “a lexicon of rage and frustration.” Plus an allegorical use of mundane, everyday things as an examination of how meaning is constructed in film.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A cactus and coffee cup and a sheet of paper sit on a table
28 February 2010

Poetic Justice

Hollis Frampton

A cinema of the mind, a film to take place in the viewers’ imagination(s).

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A man in Hi Vis smiles as he plays a snare drum in a car park
27 February 2010

Film Programme 3: Collective Actions

Various Artists

Individual experience separated by physical boundaries (of space, time or ability) suggested as communities of collective experience by (perhaps voyeuristic) artists.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A film frames has the words "Scene Missing" displayed
25 February 2010

Standard Gauge & ()

Morgan Fisher

A double bill of Morgan Fisher films that ask what can be achieved by a simple structural method of commenting on scraps of 35mm film, re-shot on 16mm film and what happens to meaning (if anything) when ‘insert shots’ are relieved of their original duty of providing crucial plot development for a variety of other movies?

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A view down a long underground corridor with lockers and a few seated figures
24 February 2010

Lunch Break

Sharon Lockhart

A slowed down single tracking shot along a corridor as workers at the Bath Iron Works, (Maine, USA) take their lunch break.

Kill Your Timid Notion 10
A black and while still of a photograph of a man melting on a stove
11 October 2008

Film Programme: Sets

Christof Migone Various Artists Hollis Frampton

A programme that looks at how sound and image can be treated as variants in a collection of ordered objects; at how to create meaning from the similar, and to notice difference.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
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