Personal Space
Personal Space
Like thousands of others, Ruaraidh Sanachan travels round the city by tube everyday with his lugs constantly wired to his personal stereo. It’s in this situation that we’ll be tuning into Nackt Insecten’s disembodied spectral howls and heavyweight locomotive drones.
ReadWalking to work, buying groceries, cleaning the toilet, sipping a pint at your local boozer….. it’s the mundane little everyday things/ situations in life which shape who we are and which (in)directly influence what we do/create. So what is it that makes Glaswegian noisemakers make their noises? This year we’ve invited a handful of artists with strong ties to Glasgow to take us to the places in & around the city which they feel influence them & their art as part of the Personal Space section of the festival.
A recording of this performance was released on 7″ by Memoires of An Aesthete in 2009.