Hit Parade (New York)
Hit Parade (New York)
Sound as it is endured by space and the body: 15 participants lie face down and pound the floor with a microphone one thousand times, each person choosing their own rhythm and intensity.
Christof is a Canadian thinker, artist, musician and writer. He’s interested in simple, open-ended concepts that we can test out together and that expand on ideas of: language, voice, bodies, performance, space, intimacy, complicity and endurance.
Can we use sound, repetition and difference to personally and collectively engage with space, time and labour? Hit Parade proposes that we can, through a simple activity for people to perform together: 15 people lie face down and proceed to pound the floor with the microphone one thousand times. The sound of each person’s actions is amplified. Each person can choose their own rhythm and intensity.
Christof proposes central questions of how we inhabit public or private spaces, how sound or our bodies (and their repetitive actions, over time) can articulate spaces, about individuals and community, about repetitive labour. He does it in simple, clear ways and he’s interested to see what your answers are. So are we.
Kinds of listening involved
Labour and Endurance – to hear the body, at work.
Spatial – to spend time and embody space, with sound.
Christof subsequently released the recording of this version of Hit Parade as part of his Greatest Hits project.
The participants were Deborah Aruta, Donna Blicharz, Robin Edgerton, Storm Garner, Dawn Kasper, Dages Keates, Seth Kim-Cohen, Jecca, Jeff Ladouceur, Sayhan Musaoglu, Christopher Ortiz, Meena Sajwani and Maya Winfrey.

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre