Birchville Cat Motel
Birchville Cat Motel
What we wrote at the time:
New Zealander Campbell Kneale is one of the linchpins of the experimental underground; his Birchville Cat Motel forms part of a collective global consciousness also mediated by The Dead C, Vibracathedral Orchestra, Sunroof! and Ashtray Navigations. For years Kneale has been firing out limited run – blissed-out sun-dappled drone ragas of the highest order, with an Eastern-tinged signature sound of plucked and bowed strings, subtle feedback and barely-there percussion woven into a seamless tapestry of crystalline, slowly drifting and head expanding sound.
6 images, 1 audio
Audio Recording

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

▴ Credit: Bryony McIntyre

Birchville Cat Motel
Oct 2005