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Pony Zion in a red shirt and cap tenses their hands and arms in a gesture
27 September 2014

You’ve Never Seen Pain Expressed Like This

Danielle Goldman Kia Labeija Miss Prissy Pony Zion

A freestyle performed conversation for bodies and voices – with the Queen of Krump, the master of Vogue Femme Dramatics and the rising star of Vogue Women’s Performance.

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way
26 September 2014

Make a Way Out of No Way: Club

Kia Labeija MikeQ Miss Prissy Pony Zion

Is it possible to dance our way out of the hardened stances and identity prisons we are locked in?

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way
Make A Way Out of No Way Poster Graphic
26 – 28 September 2014
Tramway Stereo

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way

A 3-day exploration – through performance, screenings and discussion – of the art and politics of wayward communities who refuse to be bound by the fictions of race and sex.

The panel members at a rectangular table listen to a question
26 May 2013

We have something to say about… Pt2

Emma Hedditch Frank Roberts Michael Roberson Pony Zion Robert Sember Terre Thaemlitz Vjuan Allure Vogue’ology

A historical narrative of the black and latino/a transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay House and Ballroom Scene in relation to its artistic practices.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
25 May 2013

Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church (S)

Trajal Harrell

A meditation on how all of us perform — sometimes reinforcing, sometimes subverting — the shifting categories of gender, sexuality and race.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
25 May 2013

We have something to say about… Pt1

Ann Cvetkovich Eboni Marshall Turman Frank Roberts Michael Roberson Robert Sember Terre Thaemlitz Vogue’ology

A historical narrative of the black and Latino/a transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay House and Ballroom Scene in relation to race, gender, sexuality and class oppressions.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
a figure bathed in red writhes as they perform with a red light in their mouth
24 May 2013

Hidden in Plain Sight: Club

boychild DJ Sprinkles Vjuan Allure Pony Zion

The club as a community and a site for performed politics: deep/ queer house, vogue femme, lipsync and ballroom.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
A person in a flesh coloured catsuit, bends into a crab shape
24 May 2013

(M)IMOSA | Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church (M)

Cecilia Bengolea François Chaignaud Marlene Monteiro Freitas Trajal Harrell

What would have happened in 1963 if someone from the voguing ball scene going on in Harlem had travelled downtown to perform alongside the early postmoderns at Judson Church?

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
Hidden In Plain Sight Poster Graphic
23 – 26 May 2013
Tramway Stereo

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight

Voguing, drag, clubbing, and the politics of communities making different performances of gender and sexuality visible.

participants sit at a large table listening to the discussion
3 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

What is the Sound of Freedom?

Ultra-red Vogue’ology

For day two of Ultra-red’s project, the investigation will take up protocols for listening to the sound of freedom composed and facilitated by the Vogue’ology collective.

A survey is a process of listening
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