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Nat Raha speaks into a microphone while she reads
24 November 2019


Nat Raha

Transfeminist, communist, revolutionary poetry that refuses to flinch. Nat Raha presents new work in the nine.

Episode 10: A Means Without End
Mijke point to a white board their face is reflected in a tv screen to their lef
24 November 2019

Multilogics and Poetics of Radical Transfeminism

Mijke van der Drift Nat Raha

Underlying radical transfeminism, as an urgent critique of binary essentialism and fixed identities, is the call for a new kind of thinking that can move between and integrate the truths of all lives in their transformations.

Episode 10: A Means Without End
Rainbow pride heart window decals advertise an offer at a Sunbed shop, Consol
23 November 2019

Future Ruins: transfeminism, austerity and the archives

Jay Bernard Mijke van der Drift Nat Raha

Radical transfeminism aims to hold the space for finding relations between the ruins of the everyday. Emerging from the debris, spaces for politics find form as poetics to carry understandings, actions and be/longings.

Episode 10: A Means Without End
KUCHENGA, Jackie Wang, and Nat Raha seated in discussion on red cushions
18 November 2017

Future Justice in the Present

Jackie Wang KUCHENGA Nat Raha

Thought and action, writing and protesting. A chat with Nat Raha, KUCHENGA and Jackie Wang asking what can be learnt from writing across genres by agitators, activists and abolitionists?

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist
Other Worlds Already Exist: text in pink on blue background
16 – 19 November 2017
Tramway Kinning Park Complex Many Studios

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist

4 days of performances, discussions, workshops, screenings with mutant dancers, prison abolitionist poets, transfeminist revolutionaries, haunted noise, science fiction, sex worker resistance, crip erotics, radical pornography and militant fiction.

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