Formula [ver 1.1]
Ryoji Ikeda
Exploring the interplay between punk sinewave aggression, high-speed video sequences and stroboscopic lighting
Exploring the interplay between punk sinewave aggression, high-speed video sequences and stroboscopic lighting
CCI Sound system: a performance in which new material will be mixed and phased between two huge PA’s, one a precise Meyer system, the other a huge wall of Marshall amps
Improvising using nothing so much as the passage of time as his instrument, Basinski creates works of great melancholic depth and fragile beauty.
Umeda is a Japanese artist who is as fascinated in setting up interesting situations to observe, as he is in creating performances.
A rare live performance which, although not a full installation, made use of the unique acoustic and spatial properties of the Arches to rattle the audience and help it locate its third ear.
Sonic ‘observations’ of the world, through micro recordings on a tiny scale and transformed into something musically compelling.
Audio signals pass through light bulbs, causing the filaments of the bulbs to sing and crackle in a chorus of electronic static.
We asked Christoph to come and give a sort of informal talk, raising some of his ideas about sound and image, and playing/ showing a few examples.
Felix Hess is a unique crosser of the boundaries between science and art. He wrote his doctorial thesis on the aerodynamics of the boomerang
Julius’ “small music” features simple snatches of found sound, played back through small speakers, often set in bowls of pigment and dirt which shimmies in the vibrations.