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Nate is shown from the waist up, leaning against a fence, wearing a navy t-shirt
24 November 2019

Nathaniel Mackey

Nathaniel Mackey

“Mackey composes realist-mythic layering of lyrical prose unlike anything being written today.” — New York Times. “Our greatest living epic poet…Mackey’s poetry and criticism have reinvented modernism for our time.”— LitHub

Episode 10: A Means Without End
Nisha on stage with glowing screen of a yellow circle with a blue figure drawing
22 November 2019

States of the Body Produced by Love

Nisha Ramayya

In Ramayya’s visionary poetry, the body assumes as many forms as love produces states: attraction and repulsion, excitement and exhaustion, selfishness and the dissolution of self.

Episode 10: A Means Without End
B&W cutout props of a large mushroom, some Russian building and 3 men
25 March 2012

The Russian Woods

Chto Delat

A spectacular musical show which discusses the representation of a nation state, its characters and history. A learning play on myth construction and its reproduction.

Episode 3: Copying without Copying
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