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A man crouching before an audience operating a projector
13 April 2007

Keith Evans & Coelacanth

Keith Evans Loren Chasse

A system in which film is projected onto copper strips, captured again and then re-projected as video, somehow transforming the original imagery into molasses-slow, molten and incredibly tactile flickers of colour and light.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Some figures and equipment casting shadows on a fabric screen
12 April 2007

The Cube

Christophe Cardoen Etienne Caire Gaëlle Rouard Jerome Noetinger Kris Auger Lionel Marchetti Xavier Quérel

The Cube is a 6 hour performed installation in which sound and image are treated as independent but equal, where musicians and filmmakers sit alongside each other, improvise to and feed off both projected image and amplified and acoustic sound.

Kill Your Timid Notion 07
Shards of light on a black background from Sound Cuts projection
12 October 2008

Optical Sound Film Talk

Guy Sherwin

Guy Sherwin gives a kind of annotated, chat through his optical sound films

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
Projection of an orange rectangle along with shards of light
11 October 2008

Sound Cuts

Guy Sherwin

Noise music for the eyes. A 6 screen 16mm projection performance of intense audio and visual stimulus.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
Projected images of black and white textures and green forms on a screen
11 October 2008

Charles Curtis & Raha Raissnia

Charles Curtis Raha Raissnia

A beautifully crisp, slowly evolving duo for cello and projected images. Abstract but still figurative; change only noticeable after the fact.

Kill Your Timid Notion 08
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