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Four people sat around a table on a stage. They are having a discussion.
23 October 2016

Prefiguring the World We Want to Live In

Che Gossett Kai Lumumba Barrow Miss Major Tourmaline

How do communities practice being one another’s means, addressing their material problems facing them replicating the state’s violent logic of who is disposable.

Episode 8: Refuse Powers’ Grasp
Four people on stage have a discussion. A screen projects images behind them
21 October 2016

Life In Flight From Every Prison

Dean Spade Joshua Allen Tourmaline We Will Rise

Is there a link between the ways we’re caged and exiled by the prison-industrial complex and the ways people’s bodies are violently categorised and segregated by race, class, gender or ability?

Episode 8: Refuse Powers’ Grasp
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