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A peachy orange background has black text that says Abolitionist Feminist Future
3 August 2020

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House: Abolitionist Feminist Futures

Akwugo Emejulu Gail Lewis Hortense J. Spillers Miss Major Zoé Samudzi

A panel exploring how to dismantle the master’s house — its material edifices and ideological architecture — and the construction of abolitionist futures in the present.

Revolution is not a one-time event
A woman looks towards the camera from the a low angle, there are trees behind
19 April 2015

Standing in the Flesh

Hortense J. Spillers

In rethinking the body, the law, the state, gender, race, violence, care and empathy, how we might give humanness a different future?

Episode 7: We Can’t Live Without Our Lives
A woman looks towards the camera from the a low angle, there are trees behind
28 September 2014

Dreams are Colder than Death

Arthur Jafa

A landmark film on black life – a poetic filmic constellation of meditations, fragments and interviews on what it means to be black in America in the 21st century, from one of its great cinematographers.

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way